Setting up a Distribution List

Setting up a Distribution List

Once the survey is created, we need to distribute it. For that, please click on the Distribute icon, second from top, on the left hand navigation pane.
The first activity on this page is to 'Activate' the survey. Please click on the 'Activate Survey' button to get going!

Anonymous links
The anonymous link does not collect any respondent information. This works only when you need a lot of responses, without caring for identifying information. Respondent information can still be collected by adding the identifier questions (like name, age, gender, etc.) in the survey itself.

Email Survey
Clicking on 'List' will take you to the Distribution List page, with default fields of 'Sample ID' and 'Email' :

Available respondent information can be added in this page, by clicking on the 'plus' icon beside 'Email' field :

After typing in the 'Column Name' (and checking 'Mandatory Column' box, if this variable is absolutely necessary), the type has to be chosen and set. Only for 'Option List', you will have to add the options. For example, for 'Gender' information, the options to be added are 'Male' and 'Female'.

After the respondent information columns have been added, it's time to add the actual respondents. Please click on 'Add' on the top left, or simply Upload a .csv file. The uploaded file must have the same column headers as you have added in the List. The final Distribution List will look like the below:

To re-use the same Distribution List, please 'Download' and save. New Distribution Lists can be made by clicking on the 'plus' icon beside 'Distribution Name'.