Creating your first Survey
While creating a new survey, the default question type will be a Basic single choice radio button question. There are also numerous different question types to choose from.
Following question types are available:
- Basic
- Choice - Choose One or Choose Many
- Enter - Text, Number or Date
- Rank Items - Ranking or Sorting
- Other - Slider or NPS
- Display
- Multimedia - Picture, Video or Audio
- Display Text
- Grids
- Normal - Simple or Complex
- Special - Numeric (Numeric Grid and Constant Sum) or Text
- Normal - Distribution or Max. Diff
- Smiley
- Rating - Smiley, Stars or Like/Dislike
- Zone, Capture and Linked Input - are to be added soon!
Once a question type is selected, editing of both the question and option texts can be done, as below:
The final survey will look like the below:
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