Creating a Survey from existing Surveys

Creating a Survey from existing Surveys

To copy a survey from existing ones, follow the first few steps as you did to create a blank survey

Click on the Other Survey tab as shown below, instead of New.

A list of all the existing projects created by you or shared to you will show up under Survey Name. Select the project you want to copy the survey from and click Next.

The Survey Properties window will come up where you need to fill in all the properties of the Survey like:-

          Survey Name – Name of the Survey

·         Survey Description - This describes what kind of survey being done

·         Survey Tags  For ease of searching

·         Survey Country - Country/countries where the survey will be done

·         Use Benchmarks – If the survey needs to be benchmarked, this option could be selected

·         Industry - What kind of industry the survey caters to like Research, FMCG, News etc

·         Company Size – Small or big sized company

Click on Done once you have filled up all the details.

This will create your survey with the same variables as the survey you selected from.

Tip: The Copied Surveys will have the same settings as the original ones.

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